Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I just don't understand somethings that are happening right now.

Soo the last several days have been very hectic. I go to work in the morning Ron gets up takes care of the baby feeds and changes his diaper. Once changed and fed I'm not sure what Ron does, I know that as of late he has been helping out my sister while she goes to physical thereapy he goes and watches my neice and nephews. Then in the afternoon during my lunch hour he takes his mom to the hosptial where she gets her infusion done which she has to have for i think another week or two. But besides that he really hasn't done all that much. I guess im wondering if he thinks that after i get done with work a place that takes so much from me emotionally that i feel physcially drained that im gonna come home and cook and clean while he does ???????? Im really peaved at this point. I know that i don't stay at home with sebastian and that i can't totally comprehend how much of a handfull he can be but its not like Ron can't get off his rump and actually do something in our house.

The other day my friend Mona posted a blog about The Five Languages of Love and we found out that my number one was Acts of Service. Basically i feel more loved with my hubby does things around the house now it could be huge things or something small. It could be taking out the trash or getting the whole house clean but for me its that type of stuff that lets me know he loves and cares about me. So i had him take the test and his was Physical Touch. Now that doesn't mean getting our groove on it bascially means the small touches and hugs and kisses that you can do or for him the other day it was hittin his butt lol. Anyway every since we took that test i have been trying to make sure that i kiss and touch him when ever i can because i want him to know that i love him. He has only cleaned once....I thought that he would at least try to pick stuff up ya know at least get things picked up off the floor like sebastians toys and what not but instead when i came home from work today ( not feeling well mind you ) the house is still a mess and the kitchen is still dirty from the weekend. Now im a little peaved i mean i don't get why he can't clean I understand its not something men want to do but when you don't have a job get off your butt and please do something besides feed the baby ( put him in his high chair and put food in front of him while you watch tv for 15 min) then let the baby play while you watch tv then put the baby down for a nap and come play on the computer for an hour. then give the baby some lunch while you watch or play Wii then let the baby run around the house and play some more while you watch or play the Wii then hmm your wife comes home. Ooops didn't get nothing done guess she will either do it or it will wait and eventually she will get tired of seeing a mess and clean it herself after all she is the one who wants it to be cleaned. UGH so as he left tonight for the Church softball game i told him i was gonna leave the house a mess so he could clean it tomorrow, all he says is yup and walks out ther door ugh. our room is a mess the upstairs bathroom is a mess the living room i picked up right after he left and the kitchen is just gross. I put sebastian to bed early because well he wanted to go to sleep and now here i am in my room looking around and see that there is clean laundry on an unmade bed that still needs to be put away from two days ago. I don't get it why can't he do some of this stuff. Humph and he complains that i leave cups on my night stand that have water in them OMG batman get off your butt honey and do something because although i wanna be at home right now its because home looks better than work. I'll tell you what though if i was home this house wouldn't look the way it does right now. ugh i'll be posting some more later after i clean this room i can't take one more minute looking like this. UGH

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