Saturday, February 5, 2011


Friday, February 4Th 2011, I went to the doctor.

Before I continue let me tell you about the past year.

Right after Sebastian, my first born, turned one Ron and I had a discussion and decided we would try to become pregnant again. We started trying yet nothing happened. A few months went by and all of a sudden i had no period for about 2 months i was taking pregnancy tests every other week with neg. results. Finally I went to the doctor, it was time for my annual exam anyways. They did my exam and did another pregnancy test along with a blood test for pregnancy as well. Everything turned up negative.

One week later I had excruciating pain in the right side of my abdomen and went to the ER. They found a 6.2cm cyst on my right ovary. I then made an appointment with my doctor to go over what to do next. He put me on some medication and gave me some pain pills and i made a follow up appointment for six weeks down the road.

The middle of September was my next appointment. My doctor told me that the cyst had gone away on its own, awesome news. But i still wasn't having my cycle. So we decided that i would go on birth control to start a cycle. He gave me two months worth of samples of Loestrin 24FE. It jump started my cycle so that i had a period in October and in November. But when i went to actually fill my prescription we found that my insurance didn't cover it. So in December i talked to the doctors office and they put me on a totally different birth control one that totally didn't do anything. So for the months of December and January I had no cycle and started feeling extremely moody and depressed. Finally in January i decided i was going to take things into my own hands and change my life.

I got a personal trainer and changed my diet. I really started feeling good about a week into it but after the second week i started having this pain in the right side of my abdomen again. I just thought to my self GREAT not again. Not to mention that although i was working out and eating totally healthy i didn't loose any weight. So my trainer had recommended that i see the doctor to see if we could switch up the birth control as we were thinking that was the culprit of my non weight loss. Besides the fact that i was having the pain and i really didn't want to go to the ER again. So i made my appointment for Friday, February 5Th 2011 at 8:50am.

On Friday I let myself sleep in a little till about 7:30am and then got ready to go to the doctor. I was totally not excited to go. So i go to the doctor and see Pam at Dr.Shea's office. I talk to her about everything going on and she asks me. "Do you think you could be pregnant"? I responded with an "absolutely not" she told me that she would probably still have me do a pregnancy test and i told her okay even though i just thought to myself geeze not another test I'll need to fail. So she does a physical exam and pushes up on my right side of my abdomen and it hurt like nothing else. We had also discussed getting me a birth control closer to Loestrin as that is the one that helped my cycle the most. She told me after the exam to go ahead and get dressed and we would do an ultrasound to see if there was a cyst and if so how big. I go in the room with the machine and she goes out and tells the girls in the front to find something closer to Loestrin or a way that i can get it cheaper than the 90 dollars a month. while they are checking she comes in and lays me back and she starts up the machine.

She puts the monitor on my stomach and searches for the cyst how ever before we locate it she tells me "your pregnant". The only word i could say was "what"? as tears started flowing down my cheeks. She then told me it was twins. I said what again and are you sure. As she said yes she chuckled and i started bawling. She was very sweet and asked me if they were happy tears i told her yes and she gave me a tissue. She then told me that we needed to find the cyst which we did it was 5.4cm. But due to me being pregnant with twins there isn't much they can do about the cyst but hope it goes away on its own like the last one.

I walked out of the room in tears but extremely happy, as happy as when we found out we were pregnant with Sebastian. The girls in the front then started telling Pam i could fill out whats called a green card to give me a discount on the birth control and Pam told them it was a moot point and then whispered to me that she hadn't told them yet. I asked if she wanted to she said its your news you do it and smiled at me. I told the girls I don't need birth control anymore I'm pregnant with twins and started crying all over again and the girls in the front office started cheering, after they made sure they were happy tears.

And that is the story of how i found out i was pregnant with twins. =) the end and of course the beginning as well.......more posts to come

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