Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh!!! Hello there

Well its been a couple weeks since my last post. If you are a regular reader then you know i don't post very often. Normally because I just don't know what to say. I have been looking over you tube though and got the idea of doing a vlog (video blog) which i am thinking of doing on here. I am just not sure how i feel about that just yet. I may try it out and post an example of it and see what the response is.

Any whooo as most of my friends/readers know Ron has been having to deal with court issues about child support and such. Well he had his court date April 28th, I am just gonna cut to the chase and let you know they gave him an extension. So as long as we start making the child support payment and he continues to look for a job he wont go to jail. One of many problems with this is I am no longer working full time and with in the next week or two i will not be working at all and will be surviving on disability only. How ever we do rely heavly on Ron's mom who makes a ton more money than i do even though she doesn't work. She makes almost double my income a month. So fortunatly she has offered to help pay a portion of the child support to help us out.

BUT.....Looks like Ron has a really good chance of getting a job over at the copy center here in town and im really excited. It would be full time and his shift would be 3pm-11pm which actually would be really good for us. We would appreciate any and all prayers on this issue. we really need the income even though they will take about half of it for child support we will need the rest to supplement the income im not bringing in.

Okay so enough of that stuff. So back to doing the vlog. I have been following this mom on you tube that had twins last year in april. Its amazing the things that i have learned just from her vlogs alone. Thats where i got the idea from was from her. Also i will hopefully be posting new belly pics in the next few days. Its a little hard to get them done with a 2 year old running around and the fact that its hard to stand sit lay for too long lol. But im gonna try it =) So if you pay attention to my blogs and i hope you do and you think that vloging would be a better outlet or a different more interesting way for me to get my opinions and voice out there let me know. Would you watch them? Would you comment on them? Let me know what you think.


new belly pics to come in the next few days.
and a practice vlog.

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