Do you know a family that has a set of twins in it? Perhaps you are a twin or a parent of twins or a sister or brother of twins. Did you know (I’m sure you do) that my family has a set of twins. Not only do we have one but in my extended family we have several sets of twins. But today we will talk about MY twins.
The girls (Teagan and Amelia) were born July 29th, 2011. Teagan was born at 11:10pm and Amelia at 11:11pm. The pregnancy went actually rather well considering being pregnant with twins. Up until about 33 weeks when I went into pre-term labor. I was rushed up to Mercy Medical Center. I was there for one week. The doctors felt that the labor had slowed/stopped enough that I could rest at home on strict bed rest. Another two weeks went by when my water finally broke and I had the girls.
Since then our lives have changed drastically. First of all taking care of twins is hard in itself but them being pre-term babies is even more difficult. The girls were fantastic babies, don’t get me wrong, but they were sleepy babies. So we had to wake them all the time to eat because all they wanted to do was sleep. My husband and I would have to keep ourselves on a schedule to wake them up through out the night and make sure they got the feedings they needed for the first week after that first week they did start waking up when they were hungry and life got much easier.
The girls, as we like to call them, are now two and a half years old and healthy as all get out. You wouldn’t even know that they were born early. Teagan has always been a little bit taller and heavier than Amelia, but not by much. They both are on the same level when it comes to progress. They seem to enjoy the same things that the other enjoys as well. Their linguistic skills are getting better like a normal toddler. But I have noticed that they have their own language when talking with each other or with other twins.
They happen to go to daycare where there is another set of twin girls that are a bit older than them. According to my husband when ever they interact all four of them talk in the same language, that they all clearly understand.
The girls fight much the same as any other siblings do. They fight over who gets to be on mommy and daddy’s lap and over their baby dolls.
We still get people asking us how we tell the girls apart and to be honest it is quite simple for us. I have noticed that since becoming parents of twins that I can tell other twins apart from one another easier now, although not as easy as that particular set of twin’s parents.
I find myself thrilled when I meet another parent of twins, although that parent might not be thrilled about meeting other parents, LOL. I also think about when they get older will one be more tomboyish and will one be more girly? Will they remain close? I hope they do.
Genesis 25:24 Acts 28:11 Romans 9:10-16
Do you need prayer? Please leave me a comment and I will join you in your prayer
Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 18:19
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