Sunday, April 10, 2011

Major Stuff, Hoping that the lord gives me the strength and patience to deal with it

Only my closest friends know about the issues we have beeing having regarding child support. My husband Ron has been unable to provide child support (in the form of money) to the state. Due to him being a stay at home dad so that way i can go to work. He was taken to court in december and was told he had till april 28th to find a job. As most people know jobs are not easy to come by. He has been looking and applying every month per court order yet he has had no offers. Not to mention with him going to work we would have to find day care which even with him working we will not be able to afford. I have been praying (i will say not as often as i should) about the subject but im still feeling uneasy. His court date is not until April 28th. I go back to work on the 25th which means if he gets put in jail we will need to find someone that is willing to watch sebastian either free or almost basically free. I am SO upset about his because his ex could make things go away and she knows she could. She could simply fill out a form that says they have an arrangement and all charges will be dropped. But she wont, we have asked. I guess it doesn't matter that he has a son at home that he is supporting by watching every day all day taking care of or that he is also taking care of his disabled mother every day all day or that he has been taking care of a wife pregnant with twins all day every day. They could give a rats behind about that. Not to mention he would be in jail all of May and possibly the beginning of June. I go on bed rest as of May 25th and my baby shower will be June 4th. I am extremely scared and am not sure what to do at this point. I want to write a letter to the court but im not sure they will read it, or may be to child support but i doubt they will care. All i know is that i want to get it all set up now as to what needs to happen or that ron can get a part time job that doesn't take him away from home for too many hours as i really can't take care of sebastian all by mysel right now. Ugh i hate just not knowing and having things up in the air. *~Prayer~* Dear Lord, I know that we are not the most perfect christans or parents or people. We make mistakes. You know everything that is and will be. I am asking for strength and patience during this time of uncertainty. I pray that they (the court) does not put ron in jail or fine him. We can not financially afford him to not be here at home. I pray that he is able to find a job at least part time before his court date of April 28th 2011. Lord please bless our family as you always have. I also want to thank you for all you have already done lord. You are the glue that has held our family together and has helped us through our lives. Please just continue to be the influnce that we turn to always in good and bad times. In Jesus name AMEN!!!

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